
Sponsor Information

Life is Sweeter at SugarFest!

Show your community you care by sponsoring this family-enriched day of fun!

The best advertisement you can buy is the one that shows you care about the community, your customers, and their families.

Join the SugarFest team by sponsoring and partnering with us to ensure the SugarFest festival is safe, fun, and memorable for our community. Just another reason why this is the best community to live in, work in, and shop in!

View the printable document for additional info, or email questions to

Presenting Sponsor

Firework & Stage Sponsor: $10,000+

Stakeholder Sponsor: $5,000+

Investor Sponsor: $2,500+

Community Sponsor: $1,500+

Supporting Sponsor: $1,000+

Friends Sponsors: $500+

We appreciate your time and consideration in sponsoring this great event. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact a SugarFest team member by e-mailing

*** All sponsorship’s are deductible as a 501(c)3 charitable expense ***
A portion of your sponsorship benefits local projects.